Matching bracelets for couples

Matching Bracelets for Couples to Keep Your Loved Ones Close:

Couples Matching Bracelets

Matching Bracelets gift from a loved one is not a new tradition. The practice has been around for ages. The bracelets that are most common are the ones matching in color or theme. These bracelets are worn to show true love between two people. 

What is a matching bracelet?

A relationship bracelet is a piece of art that you wear on your body and when you look at it, you are reminded of the person who brought you that piece of jewelry. These bracelets are sold in a set of two. You get to wear one bracelet whilst your loved one or friend gets to wear the other.

These bracelets are a symbol of your relationship and a constant reminder that no matter where you are in the world, you always have someone on your side who is cheering you on across the finish line. These bracelets are an astonishing gift that you can give someone as a token of love.

A couples bracelets set has its own healing power which gives you the strength to carry on whilst your loved one or friend is not with you.

Choosing the perfect matching bracelet for you:

There are a few things you need to consider when making your purchase.

Firstly, you need to consider what material you want the bracelet to be made out of. Secondly, you need to choose your combination of stones or charms. When choosing your stones, it is always nice to go with your birthstones or colors that you are attracted to.

I always like to go for stones that have some form of a meaning behind it, for example, your black stones help with negativity whereas your white stones help to purify the body. It is also a nice idea to choose stones according to your chakras. Please make sure that you research the meaning of the stones in depth before you make your purchase.

Lastly, you need to consider allergens. If your friend or loved one is allergic to a specific material in jewelry, you need to make sure that the bracelets you buy do not have those elements.

King and Queen Beaded Bracelets:

I love these bracelets of the beautiful crown charms! Looking down on one of these will always make me smile knowing that my king is out there somewhere and thinking of me as his queen.


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Twin Hearts BOHO Leather Couple Bracelets:

These leather bracelets are perfect for those long distant relationships. It is always nice to have a constant reminder that there is someone out there who loves and misses you.

Cross Charm Cord Bracelets:

These red and black cord bracelets are ideal for best friends who share the same faith. The cross charm is a constant reminder of you commitment to each other as your commitment to your faith.

Yin Yang Matching bead Bracelets:

The white color is for purity whereas the black stones help to get rid of negativity.  These black and whiting bracelets are ideal for those who want to show the world their harmony with a yin yang charm.

Engraved Matching Bracelets:

These bracelets are made out of Titanium and stainless steel with a sparkly Zirconia stone in the middle. I love these bracelets  to engrave with sentimental words "You are always in my heart"

His and Hers Promise Bracelet:

It is always calming to know that when you look up at the stars at night, you loved one is looking up at the same sky as you regardless of their location. They are thinking of you. This bracelets set emphasise this point with key and lock charms.

True Love Couple  Bracelets:

Sometimes simple is better. There is nothing wrong with a plain black and white bracelet to remind you of your perfect partner who is waiting for you at home.

Handmade Macrame Beads Bracelet Set:

Rose gold is the color of style and elegance, but it is also associated with romance and tender feelings. This set of bracelets can be worn by three people, such as husband and wife with their child.

Black Beads Bracelets Couples Bracelet:

One of my favourite stones is onyx which allows you to open up your third eye and see the bigger picture in life. The Black Onyx also helps to defect negativity that surrounds you. Yin Yang charms are a symbol of your harmony.

Summer Style Natural Stone Beads:

These white and black bracelets are very calming. Ideal for people who need a little peace and tranquillity in their lives.


These are just a few examples of relationship bracelets that you can purchase. If you come up with your own ideas, you are able to make up your very own, personal couples bracelet set. Nothing says I love you and will always be there for you better than a his and hers bracelet. 

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